I am about to use my blog to hopefully promote my poker night in the Shaw which is tomorrow night, it will be the first monthly (Hopefully) Cash Money Poker tournament at the Bernard Shaw and it starts at 8pm. It is 20 euro buy-in with rebuys for the first hour and the cash prize will be awarded 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th place.
If you are at loss as to where the Bernard Shaw is, do not fret, I am about to give the worlds greatest directions.
- If you are coming from south of the Grand Canal, head towards the Portobello Bridge (which is the bridge at the end of Rathmines), head over it and the Bernard Shaw is about 300 metres on the right.
- If you are heading from town or the terrifying place that is north Dublin just head up Camden St. towards the Bleeding Horse, now, if your walking just stroll past the Bleeding Horse on your left and keep walking for approx. maybe 260 metres and you will find the Shaw on your left, if you are driving, its a little bit of a pain in the arse. Your gonna have to drive all the way around by the pod. When you get around dont take the left to Ranaligh (or however it supposed to be spelt), take the next one and the Shaw will be just there on the left. You can park on the street on the right.
Sorted now your here, lets play some fucking poker and swig back some 3 euro pints, which will be in place for the duration of the tourney, but for all those people who i gave driving directions too, i'm afraid this part is not for you, ah fuck it, I have to say that, but I really don't give a shit, drink as much as you like, Ill hand you the keys as you leaving.
And of course, for those people who are quite fond of eating, get ready because I will stuff you, its gonna get tasty, believe me.
But the bottom line is, the poker should be sweet as a nut so, if your into it, hope to see you there with bells hanging off you.
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